Yellowstone Reports

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Owl Study

by Dan Hartman

April 22, 2020

     My owl study hit a low about a week ago when I heard only one call over a three night span.  Then Walla, I'm getting three to four songs every night.

     For example, last night a boreal sounded down slope about one hundred yards.  Then off to the west, a saw-whet sounds off for a minute or two.  Off to the east, upslope, another boreal started singing.

     The rest of my run gave me nothing.

     This morning, a pygmy is calling east of the cabin.

    All told, I've heard eighteen owl songs over my four mile owl run.  Owl species heard are Great Horned, Boreal, Saw-whet and Pygmy.

     Has anyone noticed we've lost six grizzlies from our ecosystem so far this spring????


Pygmy Owl